In our meta-modern world, the individual is in charge. We have control over our environment, our lifestyle and our family’s Health and Happiness. In everything, technology is involved, including in our intelligent buildings. The IoT home version is here now, and burgeoning.
Alset EHome Mission is building a Healthy and Happy Lifestyle with IoT (Internet of Things) and Mobile Technologies. Our tech is as vital in our everyday lives as are our screens. The way we give and take information and entertainment. The way we clean our house with robots, our virtual assistants whose name we call out … Our lights, who is at our door, turning on the sprinklers, the refrigerator informing us and creating our shopping list. Tech is our lifestyle. The digital internet is a utility.
Our lives move fast enough, being thrown variables daily from other individuals controlling their lives. With Alset EHome Product and Services, it allows us to manage our lifestyle according to you and your family need. Our appliances can be controlled via applications, with us deciding what is best for that day, that hour, that moment of need. Our solution is designed to be contractor-friendly, offering building contractors new revenue opportunities by involving digital technology as part of their team to help them incorporate the most modern of IoT living, balancing and ultimately adding value to the home and business owner.